Thursday, October 6, 2011

10. Palmer Pocket PC

Thomas Kincaid stood in front of the Sunday night group of boys and girls that had made Darla Desktop Computers with the cinnamon mouse. He started with, “Computers are so much fun to make and learn to use. At my job I use a computer all day long but I could never use a big desktop computer.”

I use an electric scooter to travel all around a great big warehouse. I have to count these parts and those parts and then add them all up. So I have to use a smaller computer. In fact my computer is so small I carry it in my shirt pocket. Here, I’ll show you.” He pulled out a small computer that didn’t look anything like a computer. It had no mouse, no keyboard, and certainly didn’t have any monitor.

He continued, “This is my Palmer Pocket Personal Computer. This stick looking thing is called a stylus; it’s like a special pencil. Since Palmer is so small there’s no place to put a keyboard so I talk to Palmer by writing on his…screen. Now Palmer is pretty persnickety. He’ll tell right quick if you write sloppy. Palmer doesn’t do sloppy. 

When I first got Palmer I decided he’ll take sloppy and like it. Well, in just two minutes Palmer turned himself off. I looked all around me at this monster warehouse and all things I had to count with Palmer’s help. I figured I’d better shape up and quit the sloppy way I was writing words and commands on Palmer’s screen.”

I also realized that I couldn’t ask other PEOPLE to help me if I wrote sloppy on paper too. Boys and girls, I heard Pastor Tony teach us that God’s Precious Word even tells us about not doing things sloppy. It surely does! In 1 Corinthians 14:40 it clearly says, ‘Let all things be done decently and in order.’ Can you say that with me?” They did. “Here in this New Testament verse it tells us to not be sloppy, do things decently and that also means doing things in the right order too.
Mr. Kincaid continued, “I’ve heard a funny name I want to see if you can say it. The name is Habakkuk. Can you all say that with me?” They did. This is the name of a small book in the Old Testament of the Bible. Most people think that little things and little people aren’t very important, especially if they’re kind of old.”

Well anyhow, God knows better. So God is going to show Habakkuk something very important and tells him: 

Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.

Isn’t that neat? God says important things like this I want you to write it down. More than that, I want you to write it on tables or really a tablet so it will be super clear and easy to understand by anybody. He then tells Habakkuk the reason for all this… so that anyone can read and understand and then rush to share this important news with others.”

So boys and girls, my Palmer pocket computer tells me not to be sloppy when I write on it. The New Testament tells me to write things decently and in the right order. And then the Old Testament of God’s precious word says I’m supposed to clearly write things down so I can help God spread the word that He is in control and expects each of us to honor Him by always doing our best.

Palmer PC Construction (CAUTION! Sharp tools required!)

A super simple pretend Palmer Pocket Personal Computer can be constructed starting with a very inexpensive pocket tablet. Have a responsible adult use a sharp utility knife to cut out a window in the tablet’s front cover. Add pretend buttons and a name on the remaining portion of the front cover. Put the owner’s name on the back of the tablet and insert a portion of a pencil into the spiral binding.